Thursday, March 20, 2014

It's been months since I've last blogged. 

So, what have I been up to throughout the course of time? 
Basically, busying myself with college by hating everybody, but that was months ago.
Fast forward a few months, eternal bliss. A long semester break, doing absolutely nothing. Home bound with the internet and Benji (my precious dog) by my side. 

And right now, it's the last week of my semester break and I'm trying to enjoy the remaining days.

As it is, I'm not entirely thrilled of returning to college again, and to make it worse, I had/have to help out in a club activity which is a pain in the ass.Who on earth spends their holidays on club activities? And above all, I have to deal with a condescending prick who doesn't know how to appreciate my hardwork, and art. Basically, I had to create a poster for a project that's coming up soon, real soon, like 2 weeks from now soon. Kudos to them for their lack of efficiency. And so, I was forced to come up with something in a short period of time, and their pestering and "high standards" were really getting on my nerves. "High standards". Allow me to enlighten you about these people, the members, the committees in this club. They're very creative when it comes to marketing strategies, anything to do with business, they're pretty good at it, but when it comes to creativity in an artistic perspective, not so good. So, my job is to create something the committees like, but the inner artist in me felt that there's more than that. When you do something you're passionate about, you don't just do it for the sake of doing it. You take it to a whole new level, to the point where you forget the main purpose of doing it, and you end up doing it because you enjoy it, you dwell yourself in it, you're literally living the moment. From the fonts, to the colours, to the composition, every little detail was taken to account. Poured my heart and soul into everything I've created, and what do I get in return? Under-appreciation and sleep deprivation. But what killed me the most was seeing that they've touched one of my works and turned it into something else. I take pride in everything I design, and I take art pretty personally, and at that moment, I felt a surge of emotions; anger, frustration, sadness, and dejection, all conjured into a catastrophic outburst. I pretty much went berserk and gave them a piece of my mind. It may not have been professionally done, but when emotions get in the way, I just stop thinking.

Even with previous projects, I was unhappy working with them, but it never hit me hard as that moment. Because of that, I can't help but feel the utmost animosity towards them. I used to always say, forgive but don't forget, but I will never forgive nor forget that moment.

And that's how my perfect blissful break turned into something ugly. Dare I jinx it by saying, "can it get any worse than this?". The answer is yes, because college. I feel as if these events were set up as a warm up for me before college begins. Thank you life, but what I need now is a divine intervention. 

Well , you won't be hearing from me for another few months from now. Till then, see ya.

Monday, March 4, 2013

I know I don't have many friends right now what with college and shit like that, but wow, I didn't know I was that lonely. Even my friends on Steam abandoned me. I feel really butthurt about this.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The only reason why I'm taking business is because it seems like the most logical and safest thing to do.
But if I were to choose the right thing, I wouldn't have settled with that.
Because I'm too much of a coward to believe in my dreams, so this is the consequences that I have to pay.


But things will work out eventually right?
I may not be happy, but at least I'll be able to pay the bills and make sure there's always food on the table.

When having a reunion with your close friends, the whole point of it is to get to know how or what your friends are up to in life. I don't want to be spending that moment watching a movie where we have to sit down quietly and stare at a screen where random fictional characters will be telling stories of their lives. I just want all of us to sit down in a cafe, or in a restaurant, just any place where we can talk and catch up with each others life because that just seems much worth it.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Sigh..... Being in a divorced family isn't that easy huh.

Earlier I thought it'll be a drag coming home, spending some time with my family and relatives, but as days prolonged I was about to take back what I've said but nope, it's still way better living on your own. No need to worry about upsetting people, or getting hurt by your own family members. Is all cool. To say your words didn't affect me would be a lie, but hey, gotta take it in. Sorry for being a nuisance.

Oh and Happy New Years to everybody out there.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Shit people say during a test that just makes no sense at all.

I just can't understand what is wrong with these people. Like what goes on in that pea sized brains of theirs. Like Jesus Christ, I know you're nervous for an exam, that's totally cool, I'm cool with it but Christ, you seriously need a chill pill. It's like just a tiny mistake made in this test will be the cause of their death. It's like they have to make sure everything goes super well.

"Oh what's the date today?" Fucking date is written on the booklet already why are you still asking me trying to make sure you get the date right?

"Oh, do you have to use pen or pencil to answer the test?" You tell me fucktard unless you're a kindergarten student or you're just plain dumb, why not use crayons instead. While you're at it, draw some smiley faces and butterflies. That'll give you bonus marks.

"Your seat is next to mine right?" How the fuck should I know and why the fuck would I want to know who's sitting beside me? As long as I know where's my seat, fuck everything else.

"Do I need to bring a ruler to answer a multiple choice question paper that requires no calculation or measurements?" And what are you going to do with it? Measure your dick? Or the depths of your vagina?

"Do I answer all the questions in the answer booklet?" Seriously? What even.

The list of dumb questions people ask during a test just goes on and on and on. It's as if their brain is filled with so much facts from studying for the test that it just flushed out their common sense. And I can't take it. It just infuriates me how stupid of a question they ask. You are just denaturing my brain cells. Just. Get. Away. From. Me. Please. I just want to erase myself from this life, living with all this fools.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Not really a big fan of David Choi's songs but this song.... is nice.