Sunday, December 16, 2012

Shit people say during a test that just makes no sense at all.

I just can't understand what is wrong with these people. Like what goes on in that pea sized brains of theirs. Like Jesus Christ, I know you're nervous for an exam, that's totally cool, I'm cool with it but Christ, you seriously need a chill pill. It's like just a tiny mistake made in this test will be the cause of their death. It's like they have to make sure everything goes super well.

"Oh what's the date today?" Fucking date is written on the booklet already why are you still asking me trying to make sure you get the date right?

"Oh, do you have to use pen or pencil to answer the test?" You tell me fucktard unless you're a kindergarten student or you're just plain dumb, why not use crayons instead. While you're at it, draw some smiley faces and butterflies. That'll give you bonus marks.

"Your seat is next to mine right?" How the fuck should I know and why the fuck would I want to know who's sitting beside me? As long as I know where's my seat, fuck everything else.

"Do I need to bring a ruler to answer a multiple choice question paper that requires no calculation or measurements?" And what are you going to do with it? Measure your dick? Or the depths of your vagina?

"Do I answer all the questions in the answer booklet?" Seriously? What even.

The list of dumb questions people ask during a test just goes on and on and on. It's as if their brain is filled with so much facts from studying for the test that it just flushed out their common sense. And I can't take it. It just infuriates me how stupid of a question they ask. You are just denaturing my brain cells. Just. Get. Away. From. Me. Please. I just want to erase myself from this life, living with all this fools.

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